Guida all'Henné

Henné Capelli: Come effettuare il test di prova?

Henna Hair: How to carry out the test test?

Before anything, whether it's a ready-to-use herbal dry mix or dry powders that you need to mix at home, the very first thing you ever need to do is TEST...

Henna Hair: How to carry out the test test?

Before anything, whether it's a ready-to-use herbal dry mix or dry powders that you need to mix at home, the very first thing you ever need to do is TEST...

Allergia all'Henné? Prurito in testa e al cuoio capelluto? Ecco cosa fare!

Allergic to Henna Hair Dye? Henna Itchy, Sore &...

You think you're allergic to henna hair dye because, after the application, you felt your scalp was itchy and burning? In this blog post, we will find out if you have an allergic reaction...

Allergic to Henna Hair Dye? Henna Itchy, Sore &...

You think you're allergic to henna hair dye because, after the application, you felt your scalp was itchy and burning? In this blog post, we will find out if you have an allergic reaction...

Preparazione Henné: Ossidazione - Acidificazione dell'Henné - Si o No?

Henna Application & Preparation: Oxidation - Ac...

Do we really have to oxidize - acidify our mix of henna and herbal hair colors or not?

Henna Application & Preparation: Oxidation - Ac...

Do we really have to oxidize - acidify our mix of henna and herbal hair colors or not?

Preparazione e Applicazione Henné ed Erbe Tintorie: la Guida Completa!

Preparation and Application of Henna and Dyeing...

Do you have doubts about the preparation and application of henna and herbal dyes? In this complete guide you will find answers to all your questions :)

Preparation and Application of Henna and Dyeing...

Do you have doubts about the preparation and application of henna and herbal dyes? In this complete guide you will find answers to all your questions :)